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The Cost And Time Needed To Create Pick My Adventure Show Podcast

When I first thought to myself, I want to start a podcast, I honestly thought I would just being talking into my built-in computer microphone/speaker (wherever it’s secretly located) – as if I were Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson with their heads squeezed together in The Internship – and there might be a website that records it for me before that same website would publish it to the world with the click of a button! Well, I was WRONG! My first clue that the process might be more difficult was when asking my friend, Shobeir, the host of The Shobeir Show , what all goes into creating a podcast. It was pretty daunting to learn that I would have to do more than two things to publish a podcast! I thought long and hard about scrapping the whole idea and going back to just mindlessly scrolling Instagram for the rest of my life. But then I remembered that I used to challenge myself with things I don’t know about! Like that time I wanted to see if I could smash a watermelon open with my head. I di...

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